level: 100-UFF53WEC48W
This data as json
id | artist | artist_tokens | authors | description | description_ct | difficulty | has_classics | has_freetimes | has_freezeshots | has_holds | has_oneshots | has_skipshots | has_squareshots | has_window_dance | hue | icon | image | last_updated | max_bpm | min_bpm | rdlevel_sha1 | seizure_warning | sha1 | single_player | song | song_ct | source | source_iid | source_metadata | tags | thumb | two_player | url | url2 |
100-UFF53WEC48W | Mokka | ["Mokka"] | ["Mokka"] | All the hospital gathers to tell you how awesome you are for helping them (yes, even Edega). | [{"len":92,"color":"default"}] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.1 | https://codex.rhythm.cafe/100-UFF53WEC48W_icon.png | https://codex.rhythm.cafe/100-UFF53WEC48W.png | 2021-05-16 20:10:08 | 0.0 | 0.0 | c9ba7b65f3e1f8e6c1ef569170212743e4fa7e87 | 0 | 8f8cb9f12e5f0e131291873fac7faeaf4ef19fb5 | 1 | 100% | [{"len":4,"color":"default"}] | yeoldesheet | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611380148431749151/843553513975840768/Mokka_-_100.rdzip | [] | https://codex.rhythm.cafe/100-UFF53WEC48W_thumbnail.png | 0 | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611380148431749151/843553513975840768/Mokka_-_100.rdzip | https://codex.rhythm.cafe/100-UFF53WEC48W.rdzip |